Anchored Abode - Striving to change the world one abode at a time... starting with my own.

God of Order Versus Devil of Order–How a prostituted woman helped me

The gruesome details shared about one day and the multiple, horrendous tragedies she experienced caused relentless tears to stream down my face. I didn’t bother trying to cover them up. Her story is similar to the estimated 300,000 other girls currently trafficked in the United States alone. The details surrounding her life, though vastly more atrocious, sounded oddly familiar as I recounted my own studies of Narcissists, trauma bonding, and the like. It was then I realized, sex trafficking affects us all–God is a God of order, but Satan masks his evil as though a god of order.

God is a God of order, but Satan masks his evil as though a god of order. Share on X
A prostituted woman helped me see God is a God of order.  The trauma bonding that occurs between a pimp and 'his' prostituted woman follows the same structure as a gang leader, a narcissist and their co-dependent, sometimes even a husband and wife.

In our own personal experiences with Cluster B personality disorders (Narcissist Personality Disorder, Sociopath, Psychopath, etc.), we uncovered an odd order to how they all similarly functioned. There is an abuse playbook that they all have ingrained within that they call the shots from; sadly this is usually a legacy ‘gifted’ from one generation to the next.

From studying the cycles, the psychology behind it, the history, and other’s experiences with Narcissism; our experiences got to a point that we were able to predict the next event that was going to occur. It was strange. It played out like other people’s experiences, right up to similar verbiage.

Awhile ago, I sat through a class to learn about volunteering at a local women’s care center where they aide prostituted women to heal (spiritually, physically, sexually, and emotionally). The sensitivity training portion of the class aimed to help us understand a small fraction of their actual day-to-day life and the traumas they had endured.

12-13 years old!

Prostitution is a horrific crime and nothing to make light of–the average age of entry into prostitution is 12-13 years old. It is no joke.

I have to say, I hold upmost respect for the women that have come out on the other side of prostitution and/or abuse.

Prostituted women are victims of abuse…

One of the most intriguing facets of the class was to understand the trauma bonding that occurs between a pimp and ‘his’ prostituted woman. A gang leader follows the same structure set up. As well, it is also the same structure of a Narcissist and their enablers/co-dependents/etc.

This sure got me thinking. God is a God of order–He is very orderly and logical. He gave us commands, and we know what is expected of us. He is perfect and holy and we are to live our lives as close to that as possible.

On the other hand, Satan is also very orderly and clever “logic”. He offers us commands that sound good but are actually baby steps leading us away from the Truth. Once we begin to follow those misguided steps, we head down flights of stairs, then mountains, and so on until we are in the depths of a valley unable to pinpoint what happened because the first steps were so subtle.

The contrast between God’s orderly ways and Satan’s was mind-blowing.

The cycle of abuse…

The Cycle of Abuse is the common denominator.

Cycle of Abuse - God is a God of order, Satan masks his evil as though a god of order
(unable to find source of picture)

This series of events occurs ritualistically in pimps/prostituted women, gang leaders/members, narcissists/co-dependents, husbands/wives etc. Although this cycle can occur between any two people, these are the most typical.

Prostitution is the new drug of choice…

While prostitution has been around since the time of the Bible, right now it is jaw-dropping to see the statistics. Let’s think about it another way, criminals sell drugs, they can be used once, and then a new supply is needed. A prostituted woman can be sold and (ab)used multiple times… A DAY! The supply is there as long as she is alive.

God is a God of order, but I hope you see how Satan uses order for his gain. His method works and right now it’s gaining steam to take us down tracks of chaos.

Our ministry starts at home and should expand outward in concentric circles. Share on X

Remember, our ministry starts at home and should expand outward in concentric circles.

Are we kidding ourselves to think that churches and Christians should not take steps to eradicate this because it is a touchy subject? Or because it makes us uncomfortable?

Start taking those baby steps toward holier living!

Disclaimer: A majority of prostituted individuals are women and children, and a majority of pimps are men; the terms used above represent but are not exclusive to the gender indicated.

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God of Order Versus Devil of Order–How a prostituted woman helped me

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