Anchored Abode - Striving to change the world one abode at a time... starting with my own.

Month: October 2019

Do Narcissists Change – 1 simple reminder for how to have hope

“Narcissists don’t change!” I don’t think I could tell you how many times I have heard or read this…. The sentiment is understandable, a personality disorder is not one that we typically see someone just snap out of. IF a narcissist is willing to go to long-term counseling to address issues, it is usually an incredibly long, drawn out process.

Scapegoat Spouse – Dealing with Narcissists in the Family

How does a Narcissist deal with a Golden Child who may have stood up for herself? Oh that’s right, it’s her husband’s fault. This is where the Scapegoat Spouse fits in when dealing with Narcissists in a family. Just like the Scapegoat’s role, the Scapegoat Spouse plays the same role within their marriage to the Golden Child.

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