Anchored Abode - Striving to change the world one abode at a time... starting with my own.

Snow White

Well, if you know me at all, you’ll know I absolutely love white! And yes, it IS a color! I love the freshness, the cleanness… just everything about it! I was fortunate enough for Dust to be okay with us buying an oh-so-beautiful white vehicle 3 times over… not to mention all of our work trucks are white.


But this brings me to this time of the season, where the best thing is snow–except when Jericho, our puppy, can’t tell the difference between where the porch ends and the lawn begins, lovely!

I’ll give you a quick glance into one item that lacked from our pre-marital counseling. Never once was it mentioned before we got married that one of us loves an all-white Christmas and the other likes tacky, colored, bushels full of, big and small, crazy lights; basically like a schpritzer gone mad with oodles and oodles of skittles.


This time of year always brings about the “discussion” of the Christmas tree. So… let me just tell you that I have been accustomed to a beautiful tree with white lights and silver sparkles throughout (never mind  the fact that it’s fake and has about 50 less limbs than it should AND that you can see right through it); but it’s always been white, and silver, and just plain pretty. Share with me in a collective “Ahhhhhh” as you just imagine and bask in the glory that was my tree.

So as a “compromise”, I used to say “Hey, we’ll just have 2 trees; mine will be in the living room where all can see and just drink in the beauty while yours will be tucked away out of sight where no one will ever know that we actually do own a strand of colored lights.” Dusty didn’t really take to my idea like I thought he would. His theory was that since we were gonna have kids someday, we’ll have to have color then anyway, plus we’ll have all their homemade ornaments on there, too.  I stood strong in my stance that we could STILL have 2 trees… mine out where everyone can enjoy it, and the other colored catastrophe hidden away. I was a leetle narrow-minded then.


I must say though, that compromise did come to our house one year when he “colored” 2 bushes in front of our house with red lights.  It’s odd that those strands went missing… but at least we have the white ones to make up for that loss.


Our household standard of a white Christmas tree waned when our oldest were two.  The joy on their faces as they hung up ornaments blew all of my white Christmas aspirations out of the water.  White could not hold a candle to their handmade ornaments and excitement as they put them on the tree… then tore them off, because two year olds are nuts.

The only white I clung to was that the lights had to only be white, but our tree has so much more beauty and life to it than it ever did back when I thought it was glorious. Our Christmas trees now are the best because they speak to the life that we have been blessed with. Our kids are more important than décor (I say boldly as I’m a mere 6 months out from crying over my white couches having been attacked by a Sharpie wielded in the hands of an impenitent child).


~ Becca

Snow White

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