Anchored Abode - Striving to change the world one abode at a time... starting with my own.


When all is lost, your future looks bright (Psalm 96-103)

When all is lost, your future looks bright (Psalm 96-103) The crushing weight of worldly loss can leave us reeling with discouragement. The loss of finances, businesses, friendships, housing, etc. can take a huge toll on our lives and, sometimes, our Christian walk. The Bible speaks clearly about the world and all that is in […]

Omniscient-1 trait that will better your life ASAP (Psalm 89-95)

Omniscient-1 trait that will better your life ASAP (Psalm 89-95) Have you ever wondered why God is not responding to the evils of this earth? Sometimes, it can seem rather discouraging that He is not actively ridding the world of truly evil people. Reminding yourself of this one trait can really transform your entire outlook […]

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