Anchored Abode - Striving to change the world one abode at a time... starting with my own.


10 Verses to Easily Calm an Anxious Spirit (Psalm 111-117)

10 Verses to Easily Calm an Anxious Spirit (Psalm 111-117) When worry threatens to overtake you, what, where, or whom do you turn to? It is common to default to our natural impulses. Some believe the Bible says you are not to ever feel anxious, but it’s a common emotion so how does that work […]

Insider Hack: Living Water 1st unveiled in Creation (Psalm 104-110)

Insider Hack: Living Water 1st unveiled in Creation (Psalm 104-110) Look around you and focus on one part of the Created world. Even a blade of grass, as small and insignificant as it may seem on the surface, is a delicate living vegetation. It has multiple shades of color and an intricate system of photosynthesis […]

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