Anchored Abode - Striving to change the world one abode at a time... starting with my own.


Learn How to Trust in God When You Ache for His Comfort (Isaiah 36-43)

Grasping for breath when life sends tidal waves over you again and again is EXHAUSTING! Even correcting an incorrect thought can be too overwhelming. That’s why we need to learn to trust in God during seasons of reprieve.

If and when shattered dreams, health woes, or incredible hardships drop you to your knees, you will have a framed mindset to grasp His hand of comfort and climb out of the muck.

Has Comfort Slipped in and Overtaken Your Life? (Isaiah 29-35)

Has Comfort Slipped in and Completely Overtaken Your Life? (Isaiah 29-35) A warm cup of coffee with a splash of creamer, a cozy blanket, and a roaring fireplace are wonderful on a cold, wintery day. Ahhhh, comfort!  What happens when comfort slips into our lives more and more? Maybe a better question, once we have […]

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