Anchored Abode - Striving to change the world one abode at a time... starting with my own.


My Vision has Improved

When I was in my twenties, I looked at life and the people around me with a very limited lens.  My curbed lifeview had not been shaped with a lot of reality or experiences at that point. All of my life before my thirties, I looked at life and the people around me with a […]

Does the Bible Say You Must Reconcile with Everyone–What if They are Toxic?

But there is another end of the spectrum in which reconciliation is not encouraged Biblically.  I felt I needed to stand up for those who are not under the typical family disagreement structure. Those who deal with toxic people within their extended families.  And I felt it right to give a voice to those who have been guilted into a false reconciliation meant only to appease another’s wants instead of adhering to the Bible.

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