Anchored Abode - Striving to change the world one abode at a time... starting with my own.

Anchored Truth Tuesdays

What is the Ultimate Hope? (Mic. 7 – Hab. 3)

Despair can be such an overwhelming emotion that it threatens to overtake us. Repeatedly, the Old Testament provides a source of hope when the Israelites’ despondency for their situation threatens to crush them.
The source of hope is centered around a reminder: that God is sovereign and is in control of everything. From wind, to seas, to kings, and nations. God is sovereign over all!
Our hope lies in His omniscience (all knowing), omnipotence (all powerful), and omnipresence (everywhere).

Do you Love Mercy? (Jonah 4 – Micah 6)

Have you ever witnessed a relationship redeemed after one party gifts the other a second chance (with appropriate changes of course)? Were you happy for them?

Similarly, when we watch someone offered mercy by God, even if their past is less than honorable, should evoke the same kind of relief on our part.

When it doesn’t, we reveal a heart not fully inclined to God’s desires.

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