Anchored Abode - Striving to change the world one abode at a time... starting with my own.

Anchored Truth Tuesdays Linkup

Is a Life of ‘Living Faith’ Important to You? (Amos 7 – Obadiah – Jonah 3)

How often do you ask someone what they’re up to and it doesn’t come back in a string of reasons for how busy they are? While not necessarily a bad thing, a busy life focused on the right things can be immensely powerful to grow our relationship with God and plant seeds.

Pause a moment in this busy world to reflect on this question: is a life of living faith important to you, why or why not?

Are You Actually in Control? (Joel 3 – Amos 6)

Have you ever met someone and walked away impressed that their life was so buttoned up? They seemed to have everything in order: their marriage, kids, orderliness, cleanliness, etc.

As Christians, we can often portray this sense of control over our lives, but are we actually in control? Is that a bad thing?

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