Anchored Abode - Striving to change the world one abode at a time... starting with my own.

Anchored Truth Tuesdays Linkup

Kintsugi Pottery Recreates New Beauty (Jeremiah 15-21)

Beauty from ashes is often the dream of those who are shattered. The art of Kintsugi pottery brings about new life, purpose, and beauty to what others deem as dumpster worthy.

When we walk through trials, it helps a considerable amount to start with a basis of understanding God’s sovereignty and holiness because we know that He can make beauty from our ashes.

After we find ourselves lying in broken pieces, it is God who can mold us together through a refiner’s fire to recreate a new kind of beauty.

False Prophets Face Severe Judgment (Jeremiah 8-14)

We look with favor on Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the lot of them. In their day, they were accused of being false prophets. And vice versa, they accused others of being false prophets.

In the end, the true prophets were known by all, in major part, because God was glorified through His direction in their lives.
Those called by God may even shock you!

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