Anchored Abode - Striving to change the world one abode at a time... starting with my own.

Anchored Truth Tuesdays Linkup

Blog Linkup Time

Our family is taking a much needed vacation, but Anchored Abode is still up for hosting our weekly blog linkup to promote your site! Join in and add a link below… then add another just for fun!

Do You See God’s Sovereignty in Old Testament Studies?(Jeremiah 22-28)

Do you see what I see? A star, a star….

Old Testament studies bring forth immense blessings as they unveil God’s true nature to us as readers. To those who seek Him by studying the whole Bible, we see His omnipotence (all powerful), omnipresence (He is everywhere), and omniscience (all-knowing) revealed. He is SOVEREIGN! (And there ain’t no one like Him!)

When God’s sovereignty is being revealed through Old Testament studies, it unpacks a whole new level of understanding when studying the New Testament. God is the star of each story, all Bible stories, and all of history. I mean, c’mon, He MADE the stars!

Have you trained yourself to recognize it?
When we walk through trials, it helps a considerable amount to start with a basis of understanding God’s sovereignty and holiness because we know that He can make beauty from our ashes.

After we find ourselves lying in broken pieces, it is God who can mold us together through a refiner’s fire to recreate a new kind of beauty.

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