Anchored Abode - Striving to change the world one abode at a time... starting with my own.

Do You Follow the One who is Always 1 Step Ahead in Life? (Ezekiel 35-41)

Do You Follow the One who is Always 1 Step Ahead in Life? (Ezekiel 35-41)

You haul out that new game, excitement radiating from your smile, until the instruction manual tumbles out of the box. You unfold it, then unfold it some more, all while staring forlornly at the massive amount of rules you need to learn just to play.

Then your friend looks over and let’s you know she’s played before and that it’s relatively easy. “Step one….”

Our lives can feel like a game with the Bible being an overwhelming source of instruction, but we can shift our perspective if that hangs us up. Remember, there is one who has gone before us and shows Himself through the whole Bible as being a step ahead… more like steps ahead times a million, but still.

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You haul out that new game, excitement radiating from your smile, until the instruction manual tumbles out of the box. You unfold it, then unfold it some more, all while staring forlornly at the massive amount of rules you need to learn just to play.

Then your friend looks over and let’s you know she’s played before and that it’s relatively easy. “Step one….”

Our lives can feel like a game with the Bible being an overwhelming source of instruction, but we can shift our perspective if that hangs us up. Remember, there is one who has gone before us and shows Himself through the whole Bible as being a step ahead… more like steps ahead times a million, but still.

It’s never too late to start!

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Ezekiel's step up...

With regard to the prophets, God relayed information to them ahead of time. They were living their lives a step ahead of those around them, possessing and sharing a knowledge of what was to come.

Ezekiel was directed to do some strange things yet he did them. He stepped up and obeyed, no matter the cost. And before we pass over his life and not take into account what he went through, take time to consider the cost to him was great: he was mocked and ridiculed by those closest to him, he lost his wife, and lived a very lonely life.

How would you handle that?

Step ahead in prophesy...

Ezekiel was called to prophesy against Mount Seir (Edom) and for the Mountains of Israel, in a sort of elevated ironic twist.

Mount Seir in Edom was prophesied against, their callous regard to bloodshed would be their punishment, a future wasteland filled with their dead.

The Mountains of Israel would become fruitful and provide safety and care for the Israelites as they grew again in numbers.

There was a step-by-step accounting of what was to come. God has and shared his foreknowledge with Ezekiel to share.


A step toward faith...

The hand of the Lord was upon me, and he brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord and set me down in the middle of the valley; it was full of bones. And he led me around among them, and behold, there were very many on the surface of the valley, and behold, they were very dry.

And he said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” And I answered, “O Lord God, you know.”

Woah! Did you catch his response?

Most everyone in the world would answer with some form of ‘no’ involved. No way, they’re dead, no body is attached to them anymore, not a chance!

Ezekiel’s answer showcased his view of God. “O Lord God, you know.”

Another step up in living out his faith. Remember, we cannot snap our fingers, claim faith, and instantly possess a perfect form of faith. God walks us through step-by-step to lead us to stronger faith.

Here, we see Ezekiel believed that God alone had authority over life itself.

A step ahead...

Ezekiel’s vision held a major promise for the Israelites… that they would be restored as a people.

‘Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones’ coming to life was a promise of the Israelite remnant’s literal bodies coming together to live in one place again, under God’s authority.

But again, pause to consider what he just saw: very dry bones with no flesh, muscle, sinew, or skin on. God asks him to prophesy over the bones with a promise to bring forth a body for the pile of bones. As Ezekiel prophesied, the bones rattled(!) and came together, flesh appeared(!), skin covered them(!), then breath entered their bodies(!), they came to life(!), and stood up! What?!

Try to picture how out-of-this-world that must have been. Then rethink through the out-of-this-world vision he saw during his initial calling (Ezekiel 1-2). It is through events like this that we see how his faith took shape, one step at a time, one vision at a time, one piece of guidance at a time.

Coming together...

Not only would the remnant of Israel be restored, but the remnant would include and rejoin the 2 factions the Israelites had become. The Northern Kingdom and Southern Kingdom would be returning as one: Israel.

Since the death of Solomon (Israel’s 3rd king), the nations had been divided. The Israelites demanded an earthly king knowing full well the ramifications should that happen. And soon after God’s temple was built by Solomon, the nation split.

Do You Follow the One who is Always 1 Step Ahead in Life? (Ezekiel 35-41)​

Steps for a new temple...

The measurements for the temple Ezekiel saw in his vision would have been a monumental upgrade to the temple during Jesus’ time.

Keep in mind, the temple Ezekiel saw has not been constructed physically. While a new temple was described, it either is yet to come on this earth, was figurative, or is a heavenly representation.

Regardless of which approach is taken, the vision of Ezekiel’s temple says that God has not forsaken His people and that His relationship with them will be restored and elevated to a new, never-before-conceived glory and intimacy.

The measurement unit that was used by the ‘man whose appearance was like bronze’ (aka, a man other than a human) was the long cubit.

This was actually a significant note the author includes.

The Israelites were going back to God’s original design for their nation: no longer split, together as one group seeking God, with God as their leader.

Temple Upgrade...

God made it clear during exile that He was not restrained on earth to a tabernacle or a temple.

  1. The tabernacle was utilized in the desert as God led them to the Promised Land.
  2. The temple was built in the Promised Land for God to guide them.
  3. And now (through Ezekiel’s vision of a new and grander temple), God is sharing that He wants to dwell among them and will help them step-by-step again as they return to Him (and the Promised Land).

With this understanding, it makes sense that God gave this vision to Ezekiel to share with the Israelites. After all, he was a priest familiar with the temple and it’s purposes.

Following the steps...

No one can force you to believe God. No one can make your heart lean toward God.

But God can provide steps to lead you there. He can use other people, or events in  your life (whether simple or tragic), to build those steps of faith.

As the author and perfector of our faith, one of the first steps is to acknowledge His sovereignty. He is STEPS ahead of us because he knows all (omniscient), is all-powerful (omnipotent), and is everywhere (omnipresent)! He knows what is coming, and He’s there to guide us.

The instruction manual...

The instruction manual for our life can be ignored or studied.

If ignored, it is as though ignoring our/the Creator. Mimicking arrogance, as though we know better.

If taken in bits and pieces from one who does not live with fruit in accordance with repentance, it can be twisted easily to feed us lies. (And how would we know it isn’t true if we haven’t read it for ourselves?)

If studied, it can reveal the heart of the Creator and guide us step-by-step through all of life’s joys and struggles.

A fellow believer can help just as Ezekiel did to the Israelites to unveil the Bible, but only you can make that step toward true faith in God by trusting in Him, seeking Him, and obeying Him!

Those who truly seek Him will not come up empty-handed, what an amazing promise that is!

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Do You Follow the One who is Always 1 Step Ahead in Life? (Ezekiel 35-41)

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