Anchored Abode - Striving to change the world one abode at a time... starting with my own.

Month: April 2022

A 100% God Fearing Life without Full Submission? (Jeremiah 43-49)

Hold up, is that even possible? A 100% God fearing life? No, but does that mean it shouldn’t be our goal though?

Our goal as Christians is to glorify God… part of that is a heart yearning to be as Christ-like as possible.

As Jesus on earth was 100% God and 100% man, He is our perfect example for us to follow.

Are You Strong Enough to Carry the Christian Cross? (Jeremiah 36-42)

What does that even mean: the Christian cross? And to carry it, as in, physically?

Life is all about choices, but some events happen to us outside of our control that can really darken our days–childhood abuse, dishonorable businessmen, thieving employees, car accidents, cancer–just to name a few.

Are those all part of our Christian cross we are to carry?

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