How to Emulate: Understand the Ultimate Example (Isaiah 8-14)
“Stop it.”
“Stop it.”
“I said stop iiiiiit.”
“I said stop iiiiiit.”
Have you ever watched two siblings together, when one will copy the other word-for-word simply to annoy the other one?
It can be interesting if you’re outside of the situation as you watch to see how they resolve it. In oddly similar ways, it can show us a representation (of sorts) of the ways we emulate the life of Christ.
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Do we emulate to blurt out similar words only? Perhaps we do it without a heart that wants to be like Jesus? Or, do we see the effects it has on those around us?
Moving Forward
In the prior chapters of Isaiah, the prophet Isaiah had been officially commissioned. His response? “Here I am Lord, send me!”
No hesitation. Full of eagerness. Ready to go!
You see, he had an experience like no other, and that experience was his foundation for understanding who it was he was serving. He experienced God’s sovereignty in a way no other human ever has.
Consider for a second, if you were in Isaiah’s position. Knowing the evil on earth surrounding him and how few would even remain as a future remnant, he willingly signed up to go tell the world they were in sin and God’s wrath was coming.
Why? Because he understood who God truly was. Would you do the same?
Your response?
Would you respond the same way?
I would like to think, yes, we all would. No matter where you are at in your walk with God, what was the first thing Isaiah said when he experienced the presence of God?
Paul quotes Isaiah (45:23) referring to the fact that when the world is judged, every knee will bow.
Isaiah was entrenched with sorrow over his own guilt. The world’s response to being in God’s presence is that every knee will bow and every tongue confess.
Dare I say, we can hardly even imagine how great the splendor of His glory actually is?!
Who do you emulate?
When you consider the response Isaiah had, do you have a similar view of God? If not, it would be a great time to commit to understanding who it is we are to emulate! We don’t want to be like the sibling who just touts empty words.
In very generalizing terms, the Bible paints a beautiful picture for us of the sovereignty of God (learned in the Old Testament), which points us to the need for a Savior (studied in the New Testament), as we reconcile that God came down to live within us and guide us with the Holy Spirit.
Four Names
Isaiah, understanding now the sovereignty of God, identifies four titles of Jesus (our needed Savior). We are wretched compared to the holiness of God and ALL of us are in need of a perfect sacrifice, a Savior, who can go before us to plead our case on judgment day. Now THAT is someone to emulate!
Wonderful Counselor
“Counselor points to the Messiah as a king who determines upon and carries out a program of action. As Wonderful Counselor, the coming Son of David will carry out a royal program that will cause all the world to marvel.” – NIV Study Bible
Everlasting Father
“He will be an enduring, compassionate provider and protector.” – NIV Study Bible
Prince of Peace
“His rule will bring wholeness and well-being to individuals and to society.” – NIV Study Bible
Do you live for HIS glory?
Divine Blessings
Not only was Jesus the Savior of the world, come down in human form to save us from our sins, but He was also empowered by the Holy Spirit on earth.
We have been gifted access to that very same Holy Spirit. Repeat that again to understand the fullness of what that means!
We have been gifted access to that very same Holy Spirit!
The gift of the Holy Spirit is what enables us to be able to emulate Jesus!
Divine Justice
We do not need to worry about a corrupt judge or jury condemning us. We all have sinned, and we ALL fall short of the glory of God… save the grace of God. ‘Woe are we’; we all deserve to spend eternity in hell for the sins we committed.
Yet, and yet(!), we are granted another gift! We have been gifted a perfect judge.
He shall not judge by what His eyes see, or decide disputes by what His ears hear, but with righteousness He shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; and He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips He shall kill the wicked.
Righteousness shall be the belt of His waist, and faithfulness the belt of His loins.
In Isaiah’s day, he understood the significance of these defining words because they were the complete opposite from the ruler’s in his day… even the ones that claimed to be God’s chosen ones.
Divine Authority
This world has many power-hungry leaders. Their current status is not enough, and they covet more power, dominion, and/or money. Often, this results in sinful practices to feed growing cravings. These are not the leaders to emulate by any stretch of the imagination.
Who are we to emulate? The one who established the ultimate government.
Of the increase of His government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over His kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.
To emulate
How are we to live then? We are to emulate Jesus.
How do we know who Jesus is? We study the Bible to discover Biblical wisdom to guide us into a righteous life.
This is commanded over and over in the Bible. If we are not striving to live like Christ, then we are failing to obey the commands of the Bible.
Let us all strive to emulate our Savior, Jesus Christ!
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Amen Becca, boy do I strive to emulate our Savior, Jesus Christ! But I fall short. I fall on my face a lot, but he picks me up and wipes me off. Blessings and Merry Christmas. Visiting from # 4&5
Lord, make me like Jesus!