Anchored Abode - Striving to change the world one abode at a time... starting with my own.

Month: September 2021

Linkup Party Only This Week

Linkup Party Only This Week Sickness has hit our house, but the linkup party is up so add those links! Anchored Truth Tuesdays ~It is appreciated but not required that you follow my social media accounts ~A new Anchored Abode podcast (iTunes) has been started, and I would love for subscribers and positive reviews (SoundCloud) […]

The Decrees that Changed the World for the Better (Psalm 118-124)

The Decrees that Changed the World for the Better (Psalm 118-124) “It’s the longest chapter though. Ugh! I’ll read a shorter one today….” If you’ve ever heard yourself say that, know that you are not alone. It is common to shy away from a longer Psalm in lieu of a quick, shorter Psalm. However, when […]

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