Anchored Abode - Striving to change the world one abode at a time... starting with my own.

Month: May 2019

Is Pornography Really a Sin? Are Pastors helping protect ALL women?

A prostituted woman walks into your Church on Sunday, will your Pastor’s cheeks redden as he recognizes her from the video he just watched of her? Is pornography really a sin if the percent of Pastors that admit to the weekly viewing of pornography a whopping 50%? 50% Married Christian men are not much different […]

Made to Brave an Unfair Situation

We quietly drank our coffee on Sunday morning, stress lingering
like a cloud over my thoughts as we had just dumped even more of our personal money into our business. My husband turned toward me, “I have to tell you

He took a long pause as I struggled to keep breathing, no clue what bomb was about to be dropped.

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