Anchored Abode - Striving to change the world one abode at a time... starting with my own.

My Idol

Honest moments here.  For a long time I had a certain idol in my life.  It was pervasive and constant and always around me.  I liked it’s presence, I wanted to be around it, I enjoyed the attention I got back from it. I turned to it first for advice, consolation, strength, and love.

Except that “it” was a person, my husband.

For a long time in my marriage, I was fearful of what I would do if Dusty ever died. I just could NOT imagine my life without him all while I was cutting God out of it and replacing Him slowly with my husband. God honors marriage, He does, but not when it overtakes the place in your heart specifically designed for Him!

This acronym from childhood often plays in my head:

J – Jesus

O – Others

Y – Yourself

I was not submitting to JOY in my life, I had subtly replaced it with YOJ. I desired earthly pleasantries and joys instead of looking for my joy from Heaven.  I selfishly created Dusty into an idol which did neither of us any good.

Needless to say, since then I have correctly placed my husband (in my life and in my heart) right where he needs to be, number 2. My awareness of my idolatry brings me back to the 10 Commandments–commandments which I will always fall short of but will strive ever so hard to (impossibly) perfect.

“You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in Heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.”

Exodus 20:3-4b (NIV), emphasis added


Even your husband can become your idol. Be daily aware of how Satan will try to slip things past you until you start eliminating God and raising up your idol above HIM (whatever or whomever that may be).

Do NOT let what was meant to be a Godly union be twisted by Satan by shoving God aside in your life.  Be aware that anything and anyone can fill that slot if you allow it.  It was my fault that happened, and it is well within my control to ensure it doesn’t happen ever again.

We should all strive to:

  • have a stronger marriage now than before by recognizing and applying what God desires for a marriage.
  • learn what unconditional love looks like from God so we can then apply it toward our own idol.
  • teach yourself to turn to God first and then your spouse after.
  • practice beginning your day with God and then communicating with your spouse.
  • learn to seek God first for comfort in what life throws at you, so then you can turn to your spouse and share how you have been comforted.
  • lean on God so you aren’t leaning on your spouse expecting them to save you.

Have I done this well every day? Absolutely not, but as I’m growing in faith, I’m growing in my sanctification and obedience.

The sanctification process has taken years to uncover and develop, I was not and am not a quick study.  I am very grateful that God blessed me with grace to get me to the point I am today.  He has truly guided my steps so I see that I should have no other gods before Him.

Join with me as we place our idols behind us!


My Idol

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