Anchored Abode - Striving to change the world one abode at a time... starting with my own.

Baby Steps

A constant reminder for me lately has been about baby steps.  Not in the sense that I miss having newly toddling babies at my feet. More that the greatest lessons I have been learning have come and gone through the baby steps and not the lengthy strides. 

When I look back at what we have been through in the last couple of years, I see the baby steps leading me to where we are at now.  The Bible constantly talks about baby steps: in trust, in faith, in finances, in trials, etc.  

In our lives, we all have had a barrage of opportunities to recognize and see the continual progress we have made in many different areas of life. Bit by bit, faith has been determined and founded; the persistence of one tiny step forward toward the goal is foundational in understanding the sovereignty of God.  The trust we place in God will be instrumentally established as a result of the journey we are walking.  Marriages, at times, a day by day practice, working on one thing at a time while we each work to change and recognize destructive behaviors in ourselves so that we might better contribute to our covenant relationship.  The financial path we all travel is full of ups and downs but when we abide by the truths of the Word, we see that to be wise with our money is to be wise through baby steps: to earn wealth bit by bit, when we are wise with a little than we can be trusted with a lot.

When we get overwhelmed with life, it is Biblically wise to take it step by step.  Take everything one step at a time. You may falter, you may fall, but keep getting back up and strive to take that next step.  And when you look back, you can see just how far you have traveled and grown.


Baby Steps

One thought on “Baby Steps

  1. Micah 6:8 came to mind as I read your post. We imagine ourselves doing “great things” for God when our calling is to simply walk in justice, mercy, and humility. Not easy, but huge in God ‘s sight.

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